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Group exhibition of Oscar Chan Yik Long, Joshua Hon and Rico Lau

@SC Gallery




讀到一個說法:圖像總引起愛恨,因此人們應該用音叉(tuning fork)代替鎚子,不去破壞或拆解,而是不卑不亢地振動圖像,聆聽其「心聲」。於是我也試著憑一己私慾,以畫畫作為旁敲側擊(抑或旁門左道?),單向開展零散或激烈的對話。不求豁然開朗,也不求甚麼定論——僅望在紛擾視野中保持靈通,這樣便夠。

Exhibition Notes:

When I was a child, I imagined the clouds in the sky as monsters; now I search for human forms in everyday images. But just as clouds cannot be captured by lines (reason also has its limits), images cannot be confined by painting or language. Gazing at the sky and the earth, I often feel a strange obsession, resisting change, yearning for stability, and particularly fond of drawing conclusions.

I came across a saying: images always evoke love and hate, so people should use a tuning fork instead of a hammer—not to destroy or dismantle but to resonate gently with the image, listening to its "inner voice." Thus, I also attempt, driven by my own desires, to use painting as an indirect approach (or perhaps a side path?), to engage in scattered or intense dialogues. I seek neither clarity nor definitive conclusions—just the hope to remain agile amidst the tumultuous visuals, and that is enough.

© 2022 by Rico Lau.

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